15 Simple Mood-Boosters That Can Turn Your Day Around

I’d venture a guess that most of us find ourselves falling into a ‘funk’ at one time or another. Whether it’s circumstantial, or maybe for no discernible reason we can put our finger on, I think it’s more common than we might let on. The good news is that there are plenty of small, actionable steps you can take to bring yourself back towards a place of peace and rhythm again. By no means will these things solve every problem, but perhaps they can bring a smile to your face and lift your mood a bit. :) Here are just a few of the things that I have found to be helpful when I find myself in this state, and hopefully you might as well:

  1. Do 10-15 minutes of something you enjoy - I mean something you truly enjoy. Not folding laundry, not a task on your to do list. I’m talking about something that actually brings you joy, and doesn’t fall under the category of ‘accomplishing’ something. If you love to crochet but haven’t picked up yarn in ages - by all means, crochet. If you enjoy looking at Magnolia magazine for room decoration inspiration - become inspired! Allow yourself to enjoy doing something just for you that can spark a sense of joy in your day.

  2. Adult coloring books - These can be found nearly everywhere these days. If you enjoyed coloring as a kid, pick up a book and color again. There’s something therapeutic about tapping into the creative side of the brain and I have always found this to be a great source of stress-relief.

  3. Dance party in the kitchen - It truly is okay to let loose once in a while, and I think it’s necessary to not take yourself too seriously all the time! Don’t just turn on your favorite song while doing dishes. Instead, crank up the volume on the soundtrack to your favorite musical, or maybe 80’s power ballads, and dance it out. I promise you don’t have to be a good dancer or even have rhythm, and nobody will be watching. Okay, maybe your kids at most, but all you need to do is get them involved and I guarantee that you will start to feel better quickly. Take it from me, there’s never been a time when blasting ‘The Greatest Showman’ soundtrack hasn’t lifted me out of a bad mood and turned my day around.

  4. Pack a picnic lunch - It’s easy to fall into a monotonous routine when it comes to mealtime. While there’s nothing wrong with this, it’s also important to change things up once in a while. Whether you prepare the food at home or pick up some take-out on the way (if short on time), why not bring it to a park to eat? Bring a blanket to sit on or find a picnic table - changing up the mealtime environment can help foster new conversations or observations with your crew.

  5. Go for a walk in nature - Spending time outside, especially in nature, can do wonders for your mind and body. It doesn’t have to be a long walk or hike, but breathing fresh air can be quite beneficial in overall wellness (including your sleep). If your kids are with - you could turn it into a fun outing. Create a scavenger hunt with a list of items to find along the walk, and it can even become educational if you so choose. 

  6. Move your body - Find a quick free workout on YouTube, take a walk around the block, do some yoga, or something to get the blood flowing. The impact of making this a regular habit will have lasting implications in your overall health and wellbeing. You will be amazed at how this can lift your mood and put you into a more positive headspace. 

  7. Call or text a friend you haven’t talked to in a while - It will brighten your friend’s day, as well as your own. Letting a friend know that you are thinking of them is an encouraging way to show them that their friendship matters to you. This can even spark a chain reaction of them reaching out to others, and so on. Let’s pass on kindness.

  8. Find a new park to go to - Change things up and check out a new park or playground to bring the kiddos to. A change of environment is necessary from time to time.

  9. Plant seeds - Whether you have a garden outside or you buy the ready-made kits in the dollar section at Target, it can be fun to nourish and watch a tomato plant or flower grow and blossom. 

  10. Read a book just for fun - No, not a parenting book, or something you ‘should’ be reading - but a book that interests or intrigues you. Whether it’s fiction or non, find something you look forward to reading - something you can’t put down!

  11. Learn a new hobby - Okay, I know this one might not fall under the category of ‘simple’ as much as the others, however it doesn’t have to be complicated! Just start reading about something that piques your interest. Maybe there’s something you’ve always wanted to try but the idea seemed overwhelming. Start small. Opening your mind to new possibilities of what you might be capable of could inspire you in other areas of your life as well. 

  12. Watch your favorite childhood movie - Be a kid again! Unless of course it’s only available on VHS (in which you might have a harder time finding a means to watch it), you can most likely find it on a streaming service.

  13. Look up a new recipe - Mix a new refreshing drink, find a new breakfast bake, cook something different that you’d be excited to try out!

  14. Get off your phone - So maybe this one is more of a kick-in-the-pants than something fun and exciting to try - but necessary. Sometimes when we’re feeling down or discouraged - it’s good to take a look at the amount of content we’re consuming. While there’s nothing wrong with using technology or social media, it’s good to limit our time on it when it’s affecting our ability to be present with our loved ones or luring us into the comparison trap. Setting boundaries on our time spent consuming can provide a sense of freedom we might not realize that we actually craved. 

  15. Buy yourself flowers - Do it. No judgement. Sometimes you may just need a pop of color and life added to your kitchen counter. 

Of course these are only a few of the many methods that can help brighten your day or mood. I’d love to hear if any of these helped you out, or if you have other suggestions that work for you!


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